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Random questions part 2

 My daily mental chatter on some days consists mainly of questions. In these moments, I seldomly have anyone to ask them to, so I'm just throwing them out here, in no particular order. You may use them for self-reflection, to get to know someone better, to start a conversation, or you may just find them odd. Whatever you prefer.

Either - or? 

- 11 am or pm?
- Shower or bath?
- sleeping on the side or on your tummy?
- coffee at a corny cafè or pub night?
- lake, sea, or river?
- Lark/early bird or night owl?
- Listening to music on a speaker or through headphones?
- Heat or cold?
- Singing or dancing or both?
- Saturday night: at home or in a bar/club?
- Gift: flowers or chocolate?

Questions to dig a little deeper:

- What is your favorite day and why?
- What are you looking forward to in the upcoming week(s)?
- How did you imagine yourself to be now when you were 12 years old?
- Do you have a recurring dream? If so, what is it about?
- What's your favorite weather?
- What's the first thing you do when you come home?
- What everyday object is, in your opinion, completely underrated?
- If you could live a different life just for one day/week - what would it be like?

-  What's your favorite smell?
- What habit of yours annoys you most? Which one have you made peace with?
- What's your favorite song/music when you're enraged?
- What animal do you feel like right now?
- What's your favorite TV show?
- Which everyday chore/activity satisfies you most?
- Which song got stuck in your head recently?
- Where do you find peace?
- What (small or big) fact about you sometimes surprises people?
- Who do you call most frequently? 

I'd be curious about your questions and answers, if you'd be willing to share them with me. Or just write them into your diary. Or nowhere at all. 

Hugs & wishes,



Beliebte Posts aus diesem Blog

 This week's insights (so far): - Stress and worries are subjective perceptions. What you consider an easy task might be a tough challenge for me. Everyone has their own threshold for when things get too much or too difficult to handle.  - Coffee helps. Almost always. Except from when trying to fall asleep.  - Spending time with friends and family is nice, but when introverts don't get enough alone time, we can't enjoy others' company either. Fill your batteries first. There's no obligation to be sociable all the time. - Shitty days can get better. The next day at the latest.  Maybe not what spring looks like, but a hommage to the grandiosity of beds - Wrapping yourself in the soft coat of sleep can magically remove worries overnight.  - Spring hasn't come yet. So let's enjoy the last days of winter doing what we will be too busy to do during summer: Drinking tea, reading the newspaper, streaming videos and wearing woolen socks. 

Kleine Alltagsamüsements

Putzig: wenn Menschen statt Umlauten die “einfache” Version der Vokale nutzen: Musli, Tschuss, mude, Kuche,... Funktioniert auch andersherum: drücken (statt drucken), Küss, Süppe,... nötig: dass Menschen verschiedener Berufsgruppen - vor allem bei einem Gefälle im sozialen Prestige/Status/Ansehen dieser Berufe - sich im Alltag begegnen und dieselben Orte aufsuchen. zB wenn auch Bauarbeiter:innen und Hausmeister:innen in der Uni-Cafeteria Kaffee trinken, selbige auch zur Betriebsversammlung des Forschungsinstitutes kommen oder Ärzt:innen und Krankenpfleger:innen zusammen ausgehen. drollig: wenn das Herrchen oder Frauchen den Vierpfoter eher über die Straße ziehen als anders herum. Gute Analogie für schlechte Führungskultur in Teams. irritierend: es klingelt an der Tür. Stimme an der Gegensprechanlage: “Kann ich mal kurz rein?” - Klar, aber - wer bist du? erfrischend: Grunzen. Könnte man viel öfter tun.

I LOVE travelling!

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