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Have a nice day (really)!

Autumn has arrived, the percentage of grey skies is increasing and everything seems to be getting more serious.  At least it feels that way to me. It could be that the world is turning the same way it always has, but these days it feels like there's so much to do - on both a societal and individual level - that what I'm doing is never enough. Of course, I'm just one person, and a very lazy one at that, but it seems that whenever something is finished, twenty-seven new challenges arise. I know that's what the neoliberal hustle and bustle society tells us to think, but I don't want to see life as an accumulation of problems. Life shouldn't feel like a burden (at least for someone living in an extremely wealthy country in the western world).

At the same time, I don't want to close my eyes and doors to all the tasks that come my way and retreat into a lethargic hole of apathy. So what's the way forward?

- Even if the media + people tell you to toughen up: Soften up. We as a society need sensitive and approachable people. You may also find that feeling and resonating with what's happening around you can be uncomfortable, but it can also add depth and insight to your life.

- Sort out what isn't necessary and focus on the rest. Sometimes that's enough.

- Do what feels important to YOU, not what others tell you is important: Arranging a retirement plan should be done at some point, okay. So should making an appointment with your doctor when it's time for a check-up. But you don't need to have an elaborate stock portfolio, or do daily back exercises, or force yourself to sit for 30 minutes and try your best to meditate and NOT let your mind wander to your favourite TV show. Not liking meditation doesn't make you a worse person.

- Enjoy the things you actually WANT to do: If you're unsatisfied with what you achieved on a day, don't punish yourself or self-sabotage by forbidding yourself to do what you actually feel like doing. Watching a TV series, a chat with a friend or a nice meal could be just what you need. Also, your brain needs to internalize that you're going to have that cake regardless of your 'progress'. Life does not have to be earned. 

That said (and, as always, I don't follow this advice myself...), have a nice day. Do what's good for you - because life is not waiting until you're ready to finally be happy. 


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