At times, all I can think of is holiday, going away, breaking out of the routine and seeing something completely different (okay, actually the places I'm going to then look fairly similar to my home town: middle sized towns with pittoresque houses, surrounded by green middle high hills, often crossed by a river). So much I longed for time away from everything. After three days into the trip, however, what I longed for most was home. Not because the holiday was so terrible. I didn't get bedbugs or a sunstroke and I wasn't robbed (all of which have happened recently, to me or people around me). I just didn't have any drive for activities anymore. Impressive, but not for a mind that is already full What I probably really needed was not an exciting trip with lots of new impressions and little adventures, but a bed somewhere by a lake and a week of rain. To simply do nothing. Not the kind of doing nothing where you're stuck behind a screen, paralysed and restless. But t...
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